Tamolitch Pool
Tamolitch Pool, along the McKenzie River Trail in the Willamette Wilderness. Worth the hike in, the hike is wet and muddy but not strenuous. Moderate 4.2 (ish) mile Round trip, busy trail.

The water was crystal clear ranging from Caribbean blue to turquoise.

The McKenize River is visible throughout the hike.

About a mile into the trail there are some great vantage points to view the river.

The forrest was incredibly green and lush, teeming with life.

I believe this is orange jelly fungus.

I flipped countless logs searching for salamanders and other creatures. Below is a common Millipede.

I believe this little guy to be a clouded salamander, due to his blue speckled coloring. Could be a Linn County variety of the Oregon Ensatina. It was about an inch long.

Blue Tailed Skinks were running around the rocks that over looked the pool. By no means camera shy, just incredibly agile and fast.

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