Spirit and Moon Falls

Spirit falls is located 28 miles outside Cottage Grove. Its an easy 1 mile round trip hike. The area is lush with flora and fauna. I will return at night in hopes of seeing a Pacific Giant Salamander.

Found a Couple Oregon Ensatinas both were hiding under moss patches on and around fallen red woods. (The photos below are the same Ensatina)

After hiking Spirit Falls we headed up the road about 3 miles to Moon Falls. The view was incredible!

There are a couple of ponds right before the road forks when heading to Moon Falls. The ponds were filled with Oregon Rough Skinned Newts. I spotted dozens of them, they scattered at first but after I submersed my gopro they became inquisitive and swam towards the camera and I was able to grab this little guy.

Some mushrooms spotted along the way.

Moon Falls. These photos do not do the falls justice. This is a spectacular waterfall that is worth the drive (3 miles from Spirit Falls) and hike in (1 mile).

Climbed to the top of the falls and found these succulents growing in the moss.

You find the most interesting things !!!